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Make a Difference

Charity Volunteers

Through 1 Care Premier Foundation, our organization's charitable arm and registered 501c3 non-profit, we are able to support our mission to empower underserved children and families by widening access to education and offering support to make a transformative and life-long impression. Every contribution, whether monetary or in-kind, is deeply appreciated and comes with the added benefit of being tax-deductible.

Make a Donation

Create a Brighter Tomorrow for a Child in Need.

In the midst of life's uncertainties, displaced children yearn for stability, understanding, and a place they can call home. Your generosity serves as a beacon of hope, illuminating their journey and providing the essential resources they need to thrive. Your donation, regardless of size, holds the potential to rewrite their story – to provide not just the essentials but the reassurance that someone cares, someone believes in their potential, and someone is there to walk beside them.


Together, let's create a world where every child in foster care has the opportunity to dream, grow, and flourish. Your contribution isn’t just a donation; it's a lifeline, an investment in hope, and a promise of a better tomorrow.

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